At Malvern Early Learning and Childcare Centre, we are committed to playing our small part in protecting the planet and caring for the environment for the sake of future generations.

We are also determined to meet the National Quality Framework environmental requirements that state that childcare services must “take an active role in caring for its environment and contribute to a sustainable future.”

To meet both these objectives and to help us on our sustainability journey, we have enrolled in the Small Green Steps program. This is a 40 step environmental program that has been specifically developed for childcare services in Australia. The program will take us through four levels of sustainability from Basic, Intermediate, Advanced to Best Practice.

MELCC asks you to join us on our sustainability journey by embracing the waste management principles, energy efficiency practices and other sustainability initiatives that we introduce along the way.

We seek your commitment on our sustainability journey by fully supporting any operational and environmental practices and educational activities that we introduce along the way.

At MELCC we pride ourselves in our sustainable practices and resources which include:

  •  Vegetable Garden (vegetables grown are incorporated into our menu)

  • Water Tank (unused water is recycled into play water)

  • Recycling Bins

  • Compost Bin (unused scraps are recycled and used as compost in our garden)

  • Worm Farm (unused scraps recycled to feed worms and produce nutrients for the garden)

  • Children’s water reducing taps

  • Upcycled resources and furniture


Environmental messages and sustainability are embedded in daily practices which provide children with the foundations to care for the world in which they live
— MELCC Philosophy
