Malvern Early Learning Childcare Philosophy
The Tree of Life
To the community of Malvern Early Learning and Childcare Centre, our philosophy is best expressed by the ‘tree of life’, a symbol of the interconnectedness and growth of the children, families, educators and management.
It is a symbol and visual reminder of our personal development, uniqueness, and individual beauty. Just as the branches of a tree strengthen and grow upwards to the sky, we too grow stronger, striving for greater knowledge, wisdom and continue to deepen our bonds with the children, families, and team members as we grow together as a community.
In 2019, as we strengthened and developed our philosophy, it became important for us to bring our tree to life! We brainstormed and collectively gathered the words that represent the pillars of our centre.
The design and materials were chosen to reflect the homely and nurturing aesthetics of our service. As an intimate and connected community, contributions came from Educators, children, families, and the extended family members through knitting squares of different colours and sizes.
When mapping out the placement of the pillars as branches, we placed the Educator’s section in the roots of the tree as we feel that the Educators are the foundation of MELCC.
This then led to the construction with hand sewing the squares together, making leaves with relevant words and constructing the tree.
The final piece was to place a mirror onto the trunk of the tree so that the children can see themselves. This is important so that they can see that they are part of our Philosophy also.
Our tree now hangs proudly in the hallway of our centre, for the children, families and educators to pass daily and be reminded of the connectedness and growth that we all share.
Educators, Committee and Families contributed to the development and review of the centre philosophy, reflecting our belief in open communication and inclusiveness.